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Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC)

A vision of the OTEPC is “Develop a system and a standard of personnel administration for teacher civil service and educational personnel to a higher quality of education”




          A vision of the OTEPC is “Develop a system and a standard of personnel administration for teacher civil service and educational personnel to a higher quality of education”

Main Tasks

- Decentralizing personnel administration power to the educational agencies within the Ministry of education’s jurisdiction
- Establishing Rules, regulations, Criterions and methods related to reachers, recruitment, development and career path
- Implementing the Teacher’s Debt Solving Project, helping many teachers who have faced the debt problems caused by high cost-of-living
- Implementing the teachers, morale and etiquette.


::: Background :::

          According to the 2004 Public School Teacher and Educational Personnel’s Act, the personnel administration of public school teachers in under supervision of the Ministry of Education of Thailand. As the Act was enacted and stipulated that personnel administration of all public school teachers and educational personnel within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of education shall be supervised by a central government agency called the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (TPEC), with the Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC) as a secretariat office that runs all tasks for the TEPC since December 24, 2004.

::: System :::

          TEPC works in a system of committees, As a main organization that established rules, regulations, criterions and standards related to personnel management for teacher civil service and educational personnel, TEPC has decentralized its power to 5 departments of the Ministry of Education that supervise personnel administration of teachers and also decentralized its power through the 175 educational districts nationwide, to perform teacher personnel administration for TEPC. Besides, TEPC has 10 sub-committees to handle any issues concerning personnel administration policies of teacher civil service and educational personnel, and under those sub-committees, there are several groups of committees to assist the ten special sub-committees to deal with certain matters in more detail.


::: Responsibilities :::

          TEPC is responsible for giving device to the Education Minister about policies on personnel administration for public school teachers, establishing rules, regulations and criterions related to teacher personnel administration in educational agencies, to make a national standard of personnel administration for all public school teachers,

          After restructuring of the Ministry of Education on July 7, 2003. OTEPC is also responsible for other educational personnel apart from public school teachers in proceeding of personnel administration thereof.

::: TEPC System :::


10 Sub-Committees ; relating

- Law and regulations involving teachers and Educational personnel
- Discipline and resignation from civil service.
- Appeal and complaint.
- Positions and Academic ranks.
- Work efficiency reinforcement for teachers and educational personnel.
- Personnel management control, inspection and assessment.
- Position and academic rank specification for teachers and educational personnel.
- Personnel management policy and system development
- Personnel management regulation specification
- Special developing frontier areas in southern provinces 

Sub-Committees for 6 Public Sections; which are

- Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of education
- Office of the Vocational Education Commission
- Bureau of Community College Administration
- Bureau of Special Education Administration
- Institute of Physical Education
- The Fine Arts Department

Sub-Committees for 175 Educational  - Service Areas

 IMG 4443e

Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC)

          According to the 2004 Public School Teacher and Educational Personnel’s Act, OTEPC’s responsibilities are;

1. To work as a secretariat to TEPC;
2. To conduct analysis and researches on management system of educational agencies, and present the results of the analysis and research to TEPC;
3. To follow up and inspect the operation of personnel administration for teacher civil service and educational personnel proceeded by educational agencies, departments and 175 educational districts nationwide as stipulated by the Act;
4. To prepare an annual report of TEPC’s proceedings to TEPC;
5. To proceed other activities as stipulated by the Act, other related laws and as assigned by TEPC.



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Office of the Teacher Civil Service and Educational Personnel Commission (OTEPC)

Ratchadamnoen Nok Road Dusit Bangkok 10300